Needless to say I have been neglecting this blog. I'm not sure rather it's because I'm embarrassed to report that my weaning efforts failed, or it's because my life seems to have been moving at light speed these days. Regardless the reason, no excuse is great enough. Not only am I using this blog to give my friends, family, and the occasional stranger a glimpse into my life, it also serves as therapy and emotional release. It is much needed and deserved me time.
Jordan is still sleeping in my bed. For awhile he was sleeping by himself for hours at a time, however I am a wuss and caved to convenience. Allowing him to sleep with me saves me a trip to his room. I think there is a word for what I am describing. YES! I am lazy. I am recommitting to the weaning process, however I'm not looking forward to it.
Birthday Season
Yesterday marked the end to yet another birthday season. My boys celebrate birthday's in Feb, Apr, and May. This means planning 3 parties very close together, and a guest list who is very tired of seeing my evites in their email. Jordan's party was well attended, and the kids had a blast. I admit, I spent way more than I should have. Next year I am planning simple, simple, birthdays. At least that's my commitment for now. I entertained the idea of having one huge party for the 3 of them. My MIL said that would not happen as long as she is alive. I guess that idea is no longer an option LOL. Justice turned 5 yesterday. We had a beach party where he played for hours in the sand. I made a homemade
beach themed cake ( I must admit I was pretty proud of myself), and we ate BBQ. Yesterday(his actual birthday), I took a half day and we hung out with Journey and Dad at Bounce-a-rama. For $20 bucks we got admission for two (adults are fee), and a medium pizza. Not bad for an afternoon out.
LAST, But Not Least
A week and a half ago, I joined Weight Watchers. Being a fat mom sucks, and my goal is to lose 30 pound in 3 months. Today is my 2nd official weight in. I cannot wait to see how much weight (if any) I lost. Dieting around fruit snacks, and Capri Suns is HARD. I'll keep you posted.
Justice is a lucky boy - love the cake. Are gummy sharks on cake one of the weight watchers desserts?
OMG the boys are so big now.!!!! They look all grown haha. Awh,, I miss yu guys living out here in the desert with us.! By the way Mya, you are a WONDERFUL Mommy.! &&'nd wifey. Your kids &&'nd Taijon are lucky to have you.!
Jake: Gummy sharks are SOO not one of the Weight Watchers deserts, however they are gross anyway... so I don'tr mind.
Kiara: Thank you!
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