Currently Seeking Backyard

We live in an apartment. An apartment that shrinks constantly as my boys grow bigger. The other day, my two oldest boys were playing football in the house. Casually tossing the football back and forth in the living room as if there were goal posts behind the couch. I (for what I am sure had to be the 517th time) asked them not to play football in the house. Surprisingly, they listened and within minutes the football was put away. However, they traded it for a soccer ball, that they began kicking back and forth.

After explaining my predicament to a (childless) friend, she responded, “yeah, I think kids are kind of like dogs. They need room to play”. I agree (well, maybe minus the dog part. Although, little boys do have a knack for peeing on everything except the toilet).

Having 3 boys, it has become crystal clear that I need a backyard. A well lit backyard that will keep my boys busy from the time they get out of school, until dinner. Included in this fantasy is the assumption that all of the outside activity will make them so tired, that they will want to go to bed immediately following dinner and bath time (if in reality it doesn’t actually work like this, please don’t ruin my fantasy. In lieu of an actual backyard this dream is all I got).

For now, my search continues for the perfect backyard (I’m positive that a backyard will soon be a crucial part of my sanity).


yonca said...

I feel you! We used to live in an apartment.(upstairs!) I had a same fantacy :D Lol, now we have a backyard but sometimes my son(7 years old)still kicks the ball in livingroom:) I follow your blog:)

Susan Fobes said...

You're right-you do need a backyard, but don't forget-a backyard is also more work for you! I grew up in suburbia with the tiniest of yards so I vowed that when I grew up and had kids I would have a large yard to make up for things. Well, we have that large yard (2 acres) and it is great for the kids, but mowing and weeding and maintaining-sort of a pain, but maybe still worth it...

Hear Mum Roar said...

Oh, yeah. It is important, but you can't beat yourself up, either. We've got 3 kids and two adults in a two bedroom cottage with a yard, and whilst we're grateful for the yard, it still feels like the walls are closing in on us somedays.

Prior to that, we had only one child in a flat, no yard. We spent a lot of time at the park, lol.

Frugal Vicki said...

I desperately want a backyard. I am so jealous of moms that have them for their little one's. I wish I had a swingset and an area to put our little pool other than our hard patio. I am with you!

Polly said...

oh yes a backyard is an essential with boys on board isn't it, Our little boy lives in our backyard, Im not sure what we would do without it.

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

You do need a backyard! And I am hoping that all of your predictions will come true!

Shawnte said...

Yeah I totally agree with this. Especially in the summer when my big boys are here. We have a nice size backyard, its just still all dirt. This year I SWEAR we are going to get our back yard done!

MisAdventuresofMomof3 said...

I agree! When we bought this house the backyard and it's size were a HUGE factor! It's so nice to send the kiddos out to play and burn off some of that steam.

Thanks for the follow!

prashant said...

we have that large yard (2 acres) and it is great for the kids, but mowing and weeding and maintaining-sort of a pain, but maybe still worth it...

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Cheryl@Gingerbread Crafts said...

As kids we had so much fun in the backyard, it was a 1/4 acre plot and we loved playing as far away from the house as we could. There was a lean to against the fence that we took over, not worrying about the spiders that made their homes against the corrugated iron.

When my kids were little my husband was terrified that they'd get bitten and wouldn't let them outside, I had to sneak them out when he wasn't there. They'd chase chickens, play under bushes until it was time for him to get home and then we'd head back inside. Loved seeing them outside but sad they never had the freedom that I had as a kid.

John Taylor said...

My cousin got 2 boys, about 1 year apart, and boy are they so into soccer (just like their dad). Whenever I visit they'd be running all over the little apartment showing off their football skills, I guess they need an outlet to let out their energy. Gladly she recently had them join a soccer club, they go there 2 or 3 times a week.
John Taylor,
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Anonymous said...

we boys were little we live in apts. Are last apt we live upstairs and downstairs neighbor was a grandmother, daughter, and grand daughter. they work nights. my boys were 5,4,& 2. they were full of energy. we would go swimming then go to the park. Well when my boys would run around it sounds like a herd of elephants. so my neighbor below me would pond on the ceiling and 2 yr old would stomp back with his feet. he thought it was a game. so now we just rent duplexes or houses. I was house Hunting for 3 months trying to find the right duplex or house for us.